News from our spies in Meribel Village this August…

Firstly Meribel has enjoyed the most glorious summer. The weather has been exceptionally warm and dry leaving the mountains looking absolutley stunning. Mountain biking, walking and enjoying a real bbq summer makes a change from what we had in the UK! The Three Valley’s summer season is now over as all the French have returned to work in the cities, the lifts have closed until December, and the locals are going on holidays to rest before the winter comes along. Even the famous Village bakery is now closed until the skiing season starts.

The replacement lift in the Village is almost finished. This will really speed up the journey to the slopes in the morning and mean that Fish and Pips guests will be among the first to reach the top of the Lapin run on powder days providing an almost exclusive on piste powder experience to flatter every skier! It will be another added bonus to staying in the ever more fashionable ‘Village’ .

After the last two seasons of excellent snow it seems we are in for another bumper winter if local mountain folklore is to be believed. Apparently an exceptionally hot summer is usually followed by a hard winter, and added to this, when the trees are full of berries in late summer the winter will be exceptionally snowy. Watch this space!