F&P Food Bites – Chocolate Brownie Recipe

Chefs Kims delicious Chocolate and Walnut Brownie Recipe to try at home…

Ingredients: (serves roughly 10)

– 250gr butter
– 250gr dark chocolate
– 250gr chopped walnut
– 70gr flour
– 5 or 6 eggs
– 300gr sugar


1. Chop the dark chocolate into smaller pieces and then melt it slowly with the butter. Do not let it boil.
2. Mix the walnuts with the sifted flour.
3. Separate the egg whites with the yolks
4. Whisk the egg yolk with the sugar until it changes colour and the sugar is dissolved
5. Whisk the egg whites to a soft peak using an electric whisk.
6. Mix the melted butter and chocolate with the egg yolk and sugar with a spoon (mix step 1 and 4).
7. Add the walnuts and flour (step 2) to step 6

8. Add and fold in the egg whites carefully with a spoon
8. Pour the mix into a buttered or sprayed cake tin.
9. Bake at 190 degrees for 30 minutes.
10. Once cooked remove from oven and use a knife or tooth pick to check that the centre is cooked. You want it to still be slightly gooey.

11. If you wish to glaze your brownies melt 200gr chocolate with a table spoon of plain oil so that it becomes a glaze instead of hard chocolate.

12. Serve and finish with a scoop of your favourite vanilla ice cream for the tastiest of dessert.