F&P chefs do workshop with award winning chef Adam Byatt of Trinity

This week we have been thrilled to have had award winning chef Adam Byatt of Trinity, Clapham who is a regular on BBC’s Saturday Kitchen staying with us in Val d’Isere.

Adam and family stayed for a few days of skiing interspersed with ‘shop talk’.  With a demonstration of  a delicious dinner in Chalet Killy (helped by new F&P chef Greig who worked at Trinity for Adam for 4 years and has come to F&P for a winter in Val d’Isere) and a fantastic workshop and brain storming session with the F&P chefs – everyone here is fired up and ready to go.  As the less foody of the partnership I am always fascinated to sit in the back and listen to Holly, Adam and all our chefs talk food – each with their own particular style and everyone with the most amazing enthusiasm for something that is so clearly such a passion.

A calorie filled week to say the least….