Food Glorious Food

One of the hardest parts of the recruitment process is giving all our budding chef applicants a trial run in the kitchen.  The task is simple: cook a 2 course meal for 2 people with a budget of £20.  Holly and I are lucky enough to be those 2 people!!  Like I said – one of the hardest parts of the job!  Unfortunately as we come from various corners of Europe (Meribel and the Channel Islands) we have only a very short space of time in which to fit all these lovely courses – last month we had 4 cook tests in two days, we were rather full at the end of it!!!

That said – it really is the best way to get a feel for any new chef we take on board, we wouldn’t let them loose on our guests if we weren’t 100% sure they could do what they said they could. So it might be a tough part of the job, but it is also one of the most important parts… Tastes good too, here are some pics!

Clare  x