Wigs and Lemon Drizzle cake

Here our chef Kevin from Chalet Aurigny is sporting a rather fetching pair of pink pants, a bright orange wig and some jingly jangly Christmas antlers.  This is not the usual attire for a F&P chef, but our lovely O’Reilley guests obviously persuaded him that is was a good look and it seems he quite likes it worryingly.  Just goes to show nothing is too much trouble for our guests!

Kevin chef

So good is this look, that Dave has tried to replicate it below sporting a black wig and what appears to be a lemon drizzle cake!   The O’Reilley party took home with them a vast number of Fish&Pips cookbooks and they’ll be pleased to hear that it can be indentified and in fact has turned out perfectly!  Please do send in anymore cookbook successes…or failures (!) to [email protected]