Plan your 2024 holiday with F&P Travel

With the days getting shorter it’s a sign that 2023 is drawing to a close. November is the perfect time to spend cosy nights in dreaming up where you’ll go next and start planning your 2024 adventures.

With this in mind, we thought it timely to bring you up to speed on a few things that will help with the planning – F&P can now be the ‘go-to’ for all your travel needs; the merits of booking in advance (adds value and saves!); an update on our ever-evolving portfolio (including exciting new destinations) and holiday experiences; and a prompt on why an F&P holiday is like no other.

Read on to let the 2024 holiday dreaming commence…


We want to bring you up to speed with our destination and holiday collection. This is continually evolving, slowly but surely, as we travel further and as we strive to meet the next holiday requests from our guests.  As it stands we have collections across:

EUROPE: the Alps, UK, Nordic territories, Canaries, cities, countryside, and the Med
AFRICA: the top safari destinations, South Africa, and Morocco
ISLANDS: the Caribbean, Maldives, Seychelles, and Mauritius
MIDDLE EAST: Oman, Dubai and Abu Dhabi
ASIA: Sri Lanka
COMING SOON: Indonesia, Central America and more…

Each destination lends itself to a multitude of holiday experiences so we can service all of your needs, be it an adult or family stay, a bucket list adventure or something closer to home.  See below for a taster of just some of our F&P holidays.



Our concept of being your ‘go-to’ for (almost) all your travel needs is fast becoming a reality with many of our guests now holidaying with us more than twice a year, in some cases 5 times a year.  We appreciate that this won’t work for everyone as you are likely to have places you return year on year or don’t luxury-holiday for every holiday. But, for those travels where you need guidance, inspiration and someone that you trust to do the work for you, then we are here. Having all of your holidays ‘under one roof’ means our team of travel experts get to know your holiday ways and over time they will intuitively know what you’ll love, making your planning even easier and your holiday even better.

Why F&P: 12 Reasons


Now is the time to start thinking to the year ahead. Why? You add value and you save! Get the pick of the best accommodation; save on flight prices which only increase with time; and there are some fantastic Early Bird offers (some up to 30% off) should you book in the next two months. Let us take the holiday research and admin off your hands whilst providing you with inspirational suggestions. Our black book of properties also extends beyond what we feature on our website which means we can find the right property and budget for you.

We would love the opportunity to catch up with you on your travel plans and aspirations for 2024. Get in touch via the channel of your choice below and one our team will be in touch asap. We look forward to taking care of your 2024 adventures!


Clare Leigh
Sailing & Islands
Jo Arkwright
Africa, Sri Lanka & Oman
Gemma Goodfellow
With 25 years in the travel industry, enthusiasm for being on the water and outstanding knowledge of the Indian Ocean, the Caribbean and sailing, Clare is ready to share her expert knowledge, recommendations and insider’s tips with you. Jo has over 20 years of experience working across Africa and Sri Lanka, and creating bespoke itineraries. Jo will share everything you need to know and put together an itinerary based on your requirements. With an expansive knowledge of our destinations in Europe and an ever expanding understanding of what our guests are looking for, Gemma is our European expert and the perfect person to plan you a fantastic trip.


Start Planning 2024