Summer at F&P

There is something lovely about the seasons – we complain it is too cold / wet / hot / dry but actually the contrast is what keeps it interesting.  By the end of April it is quite nice to hang up the skis for a few months, then as the evenings get darker the draw of the snow and the mountains gets stronger and the whole process starts again! 

This summer is busier than they have been for the last few years at F&P.  We are thrilled to have Clare on board full time as our Operations Manager – living out in Meribel and enjoying everything the mountains have to offer.  Meanwhile both Holly and I are busy in the UK in very different ways.

Holly has decamped to Alderney, Channel Islands for the summer along with Kevin, Rhys and Dan from F&P and a very other Meribel faces to run The Georgian House – a fantastic pub and eatery in need of a bit of Fish Magic!  They have worked really hard to get the place open and running with food that rivals any on the island.  If anyone is looking for a magical place for a long weekend then this is the place to go

Meanwhile back in Devon at HQ we have been busy with other things.  I am thrilled to be expecting the first F&P baby at the beginning of November (not great timing for the winter season) so I am busy making sure we have everything in place to run smoothly whilst getting slowly fatter!

Our chalets are selling quickly for next season and school holidays are being snapped up so if you are wanting any specific dates then do get in touch as soon as possible to avoid any disappointment – [email protected]



A few shots of life in Alderney….